Cadillac Repair: starter, using jumper cables, battery cables

QUESTION: I've turn the key the starter clunks,I've replaced the battery,starter and used 5 different shimmies,I've had the starter on the ground running with the key in the ignition,I've pulled spark plug and turned the engined by hand,i took the belt off and turned the alternator,steering,waterpumps by hand to make sure their not locked up

ANSWER: loosen all the fan belts and put a 3/4 " rachet and socket on the crankshaft bolt and see if you can turn the engine over by hand. If you remove all the spark plugs it will make the engine much easier to turn over by hand.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes ive turn it with a end wrench with spark plugs out

Does the engine turn over easily by hand with the spark plugs out ?.

 Are you POSITIVE that the new battery is fully charged ?. Most batteries do not come fully charged. Try using jumper cables from another vehicle.

Are you sure that the battery cables are no corroded internally and or have corroded end terminals at the battery ?.

Without personally having access to the vehicle, I can only give you suggestions on things that I have run across over the years.