Cadillac Repair: 79 Coupe Deville Ac Compressor noise, 134a freon, magnetic clutch

QUESTION: I have a 79 Coupe Deville and recently had a new Ac compressor and drier/accumulator installed and the system convertef to 134A.  My issue is the comperssor makes a whinning noise occasionally and the AC fuse constantly blows whenever the fan is turned on.

ANSWER: When you convert to R-134a freon you only install approx 75% of the amount of freon vs the full charge of R-12. You most likely have to much freon in it.

Disconnect the compressor wires and then turn the fan ON and see if the fuse blows.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok if I disconnect the wires from the compressor and the fuse does not blow does that mean the problem is too much freon? What if it blows with the compressor wires disconnected?

ANSWER: If it does NOT blow with the compressor disconnected, This means that the magnetic clutch on the front of the compressor is shorting out.

If it blows with the wires disconnected, Does the blower fan still RUN ?.

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QUESTION: When I turn on the AC the compressor makes a schreeching noise, and it continues when you step on the gas.  And the belt is tight.  Could a lack of compressor oil contribute to the problem?

Lack of or excessive compressor oil can also cause this problem . After you installed the compressor did you remove the small black plug on the side of the compressor and drain out or add refrigerant oil only to the point that the oil barely dripped out of the bolt hole ?.