Cadillac Repair: catalytic converter, computer wire, catalytic converter

QUESTION: If I remove converter will it damage my car .. 1993 sts 4.9

ANSWER: Hello Mark,

Legally you can't remove it, nor do I know anyone that will take the liability of bypassing it.

Your car is computerized and the cat is a component that keeps the engine in loop where it runs properly.

Yes, you can damage your engine if you try driving the vehicle without it.

Recently I had a question for diagnoses of a possible plugged converter. I stated what we used to do at the dealership to confirm if the computer was plugged causing a power problem. We would disconnect the exhaust before the computer, wire up the exhaust to see if the vehicle now had power on acelleration. Once confirmed, the exhaust was reconnected. If needed the defective converter was replaced.

A plugged converter can potentially start a fire and do damage to the engine as well.

I do not know why you would want to remove the cat. There is no benefit.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I don't need to remove it just "hollow it out".Stops the rattling noise.. Well I already had somebody do it. And the eng light went isn't on anymore!!!! It seems to run alot better


Since you "hollowed" the catalytic converter out anyway, I don't understand why you bothered asking me the question about removal of the catalytic converter.

You probably are not subjected to emmissions tests as we are in 6 counties of Wisconsin, because the "hollowed out" converter would send up a red flag with the states emmissons meters.

The point I am getting at is that it was kind of senseless to ask me this question and waste my time (I don't get compensated for my answers on this site) when you were Hell bent to alter the vehicle when you did.

The computer will adjust for short term when such an operation is performed, however, long term damage can occur to the engine. There are many variables the computer adjusts to, but the car is designed with a certain back pressure and you have in fact altered it.

I am as rebellious as one can be and think Global warming caused by humans is a bunch of crap, however I also feel that the engineers at the factory designed the vehicle the way they did for the best performance especially on a luxury car. The STS is not a race car.

Oh well, I guess whatever happens happens.

Have a good day.
