Cadillac Repair: 1988 Cadillac Climate Control, pressure switches, vacuum pump

QUESTION: My 1988 has an a/c that turns from on to off, auto to econ. I have buttons to push to get it back on, off, off/warmer, look at codes till 7.0, outside temp, hi, hi/low and auto and it usually comes back on. I have been doing this for years. We have replaced almost all components already and it still does this... is there something we need to replace and have not?

ANSWER: Are you getting any CODES prior to the .7.0 ?

What have you replaced so far ?.

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QUESTION: We have replaced the compressor and clutch, drier, orafice tube, the computer under the dash, the low and high side pressure switches/sensors and recharged. We clear all the codes to get the a/c back on and it may run for days or just a few minutes. It seems to cut off the hotter it is outside. On days when it is not so hot, it runs pretty well. The only code we have ever gotton was low pressure before we replaced that switch. No codes currently, just that Catch 22 on Cadillacs where the a/c cuts off and you have to clear the codes to get it back on...if you set it down to 60 it will click off so I keep it at 66 or higher to keep it on. It still will cut itself off..........

ANSWER: What type of refrigerant (freon) are you installing in the system ?. R-12 OR R-134a ?

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QUESTION: It is factory R-12.

Put a set of AC gages on the system and see what your pressures are at and let me know.

You did use a vacuum pump to evacuate all the atmospheric air from the system prior to recharging the system ?.

What was your reason for replacing the compressor ?.

If the compressor was internally damaged and you did not flush out all the AC lines, It is very possible that the orifice tube has some debris plugging the screen which will show up as very low pressure on the AC gage.