Cadillac Repair: caddy wont start, dumar, dead battery

i started  with a few test drive and everything was good so i bought an 84 sedan deville, after letting it set for awhile after the purchase i tried to take iit around the block and once i had it reverse i put it in drive and it died, now on the dash it says no charge when i try to start it, sounds as if it wants to turn over but no luck, after trying to jump it it still wont star , to save myself from replacing the whole engine ....does this sound like a dead battery or alternator?.....please help

What do you mean by "...sounds as if it wants to turn over..."?
Is the engine spinning at all?
If it's spinning but slowly, it may be just a REAL bad battery. Have the battery tested, if it's no good, replace it.
If the engine is not spinning, but the starter seems to be hitting the flywheel hard, try spinning the engine manually via a breaker bar. If it won't spin, you "may" have a seized engine.