Cadillac Repair: 1989 Cadillac Deville, head gasket, blackish color

I currently have a 1989 Cadillac Deville...We believe the head gasket is blown and the car tends to over heat...I really don't know a thing about cars, but I was told it would be better to put a new motor this correct? do you happen to know any other suggestions in regards to what could be wrong?  how much it would cost to fix the head gasket and/or motor?  do you know stores in specific locations that may be able to look at it?

Hi Courtney,

The things to check to see if you have a bad head gasket:

1) White smoke comes out of the exhaust when you take off.

2) There is motor oil in your antifreeze

3) The color of your motor oil is a muddy brown instead of 'maple syrup' or blackish color, which is normal.

4) Frequent overheating.

The questions you may want to ask yourself to fix the head gasket:

1) Go to and see what the value of your car is based on mileage and it's overall condition.  Is the repair worth more than the car?

New Motor or Replace Head Gasket?

My gut reaction would be to just replace the head gasket based on the following:

1) The car has less than 125,000 Miles.
2) There are no other motor problems
3) The cost to fix is below $1,200.00

I would suggest replacing the motor only if:

1) It has high mileage (above 125,000)
2) The car is in nice condition
3) You plan on keeping it for the next 2-5 years.
4) The transmission is in good shape
5) You are willing to spend about 4,000 for a correct job.

Best of luck,
