Cadillac Repair: 1996 Seville transmission, resistance value, engine rev

My transmission Input speed sensor is intermittant. Do you know how many pulses it generates per engine rev. and any idea how high a voltage? I'm wondering if an another source for this signal could be utilized, assuming the voltage and frequency could be matched. Only 55k mi. don't want another transmission yet and changing the sensor is very costly.
Thanks for your help.

The input speed sensor (ISS) voltage varies from 0.5 volts AC at 100 RPM to more than 100 volts at 8000 rpm.

The ISS resistance value is 1300-1950 Ohms.

You can replace the sensor without pulling out either the trans or engine. There are some facilities that know how to split the components within the vehicle just enough to be able to change the sensor and it runs between $600-$800.
