Cadillac Repair: 1985 Cadillac Deville 4.1, spark plug wires, coolant temp

i've had this starting problem for quite some time (where the engine turns over but no start).  i have long since eliminated the fuel problem (i can hear the fuel pump going and smell gas in the intake), and i have replaced the cap and rotor, ingniton coil, pickup coil (distributor looks fine by the way), and the coolant temp sensor...and i still have no spark.  the only thing left, i think, is to replace the ignition module (as the spark plug wires are good).  any other ideas?

Check the computer for fault CODES:

1. Ignition ON. Engine OFF.

2. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and WARMER buttons for 3 seconds and then release them.

3. Fault CODES will start to appaer and write them down in the EXACT order in which they display and how many times they display and they will stop when you see .7.0

4. let me know what the codes are.

turn ignition OFF,.