Cadillac Repair: Will not start; Cad Deville 1989; 4.5L, alternator pulley, battery cables

Hello Tom,

I have a couple problems.  The main one is that at times the care will not start after I have driven it and stopped and come back to start it again.  It never happens first thing in the morning or after long shut downs, only after it has started and ran for awhile, like to the store and when I get back to the car it will not start.  We have wiggled and tightened the battery cables and I thought that was the problem and at times it seems to start after I do that.  When I turn the key the lights come on, but the starter will not and does not even try to turn over.  Also the service engine light has been on for awhile, after a mechanic tried to help adjust the engine when it was dying.  Since than this other problem of not starting has come up as well as the service engine light.  The positive wires coming into the battery were loose, so I tighten them up and it started for about 10 times and than last night it would not start again, yet it did start this morning?

Mark in Seattle,

1. How old is the battery ?.

2. Can you turn the alternator pulley by hand and make it slip around the belt ?. If so, Tighten the belt.

4. Have the alternator nd battery tested.

I had this identical problem with my truck. I checked it out and there aws a bad cell in the battery but the battery was only 6 months old. I took it back into where I bought it and told the jerk at the counter and he took the battery and said come back in 3 hours until we charge and test the battery. I said, Look junior, I have been doing this type of electrical work before you were born but I let him keep the battery to charge and test. He called me back in 3 days and said the battery was fine. 2 days later the truck would not start, I took the battery back in and said guess what junior it's got a bad cell either give me another battery now or give me my money back since it was still under warranty. He gave me a new battery and I told him to put a light 1 amp load on the battery for 3 days and if it will stsrt a car I will come in and pay you for the new battery and shit can the one with the bad cell.

He called me in 4 days and said, Your right the battery IS faulty.

You may have the same problem.
