Cadillac Repair: Cadillac 95 Deville...air conditioner, gage readings, safety glasses

My air conditioner needs coolant but it won't says air conditioner is off...I don't have a manual and not sure what to do next...

Hi David, A/C work is an area that if procedures aren't followed correctly serious injuries can result. Safety glasses should be worn. If you don't have a gage set hooked up to the low and high side schrader valves you will not know whether freon is needed or a sensor is defective. If you hook up the gages and freon is needed then you will need to clear the codes first before the compressor can engage. It might be best since you don't have a manual or knowledge of the system to take it to a shop for repair but if you tell me what your gage readings are I will try to help you if you want me to. Bill