Chevrolet Repair: Chevy S10 engine problems, chevy s10, crank sensor

My 1995 Chevy S10 V4 2.2L 2WD pick up is giving me trouble.
It would sporadically start to miss and lose power.  It would sometimes get so bad that the truck would all but stop.  If I turned the engine off and restarted the truck the problem was gone - temporarily.  In effort to fix it I have done the following -
1) change crank sensor, plugs/wires, O2 sensor, checked exhaust/catalytic converter - result the truck still had the same problems
2) Cleaned a number of electric connections on and about the engine thinking that something could be a lose or shorted.  Plugged everything back in and the truck ran with out a hitch for about a month.
3) Thinking the problem was solved and wanting it to stay that way I applied dielectric grease to the connections that had previously been cleaned.  
4) Took the truck on a 4-5 hr drive with out a problem.
5) Went to work the following week and the problem started all over again.

The next step seems to replace the coils but I want a second opinion or even other ideas.

Hi Bryan... becuase after you cleand connections it seemed to be better for a while i would believe that the problem is somewhere in that area...check around the plugs that go to crank/cam sensors for frayed or bad wires...sometimes it's hard to tell because wire could be bad inside the insulation. wiggle wires while running and see if you can make problem happen. check all connections to the fuse box under hood and the pcm...bad grounds will also contribute to that kind of problem as well... clean all grounds... hope this helps