Chevrolet Repair: Fuel Problem GMC van, gmc van, pressure gauge

HELP, This is driving me too drink lol. I have a 1994 gmc g20 5.7 TBI. Ran great the day before, went to start it the next morning and all it would do is crank. It has spark changed filter, I get fuel to the inlet at TB but all i get out of the injectors is a drip no uniform spray. I spray starting fluid in the TB and it starts and runs good until i stop spraying the starting fluid. I need to find out the problem before i spend all my money on BEER!! LMAO. THANK YOU in advance.

Like you said you may have fuel to the tbi but do you have enough pressure.  I have seen a ton of these trucks have bad pumps lately.  When you turn the key on, do you hear the pump run for two seconds then shut off?  If so the pump is working but might not be enough pressure.  You will need a pressure gauge to see what yuo have.  You need approximately 45-50 psi to keep the truck running.  Also if you don't hear the pump run, you may have a bad power feed or ground at the pump.  Check the ground above the drivers side frame rail by the rear wheel.  That's a common problem area as well