Chevrolet Repair: 1995 Chevy Astro Van, chevy astro van, chevy astro

When I start my van, the idling surges up and then down to almost a sputter, mostly when the weather is cold.  My husband has been checking the vacuum but nothing has showed up, yet.  Today it was went on a short trip, 40 minutes total.  Then when I go to start it, it is running extremely rough (the whole thing was shaking)and a gas smell was coming from the defrost.  (windows were foggy from the recent rain).  My gas tank has less than 1/4 of gas (just so you know).  My husband was thinking now that it may be a fuel problem instead of a vacuum problem. It maybe a combination of both....what do you think?  This van has 165,000 miles on it, maintenance is done promptly by the book.  It has been a great automobile.  Thanks for your help.

Hi Sonya.... you could have a vacum problem, check all vac lines, make sure they are not cracked sucking air or so soft they close off...if you think you have a fuel problem check the filter, maybe you  picked up some bad fuel and has plugged it up. try good inj cleaner, it may help clear it up...hope this helps