Chevrolet Repair: 2004 Chevy Tahoe AC, chevy tahoe, 2004 chevy tahoe

Hi Robert,
In advance, thank you for your time. I have a 2004 Chevy Tahoe that has AC problems. I recharged it with Freon that had the sealer and dye and have no leaks. The AC will not cool-it only blows warm or hot air. I noticed that when I turn the unit on, an AC icon with a line through it appears on the control panel. Is this a job for a professional or something I can fix?

Hi Woody....does your A/C compressor come on and stay on while you have the A/C button on....if pump starts and stops it is still low on coolent....or has a bad low pressure switch....when pump is running the low pressure side line should be cold, high side hot....if low side isn't cold then pump not working if it's full of cannot charge the system if pump isn't pumping, so if you put some coolent in and it's not enough to turn pump n you may have to jump 12 volts to the pump to get it to accept coolent...hope this helps