Chevrolet Repair: problems after tune-up, chevrolet p30, vacum leaks

I brought my vehicle in for a tune-up. Soon after i picked up my vehicle, i started driving up hill and the power would die out on me, when i stepped on the gas pedal the engine's light would start flashing. What do u think is wrong? I drive a Chevrolet P30 van.

Hi Le.... what did they do for a tune up...did they replace ign wires...if they did check to see if they maybe mixed up the firing order...maybe one wire going to wrong plug...also check that they are properly in pushed all the way onto plugs. did they replace fuel filter? when servicing truck did they remove or unplug any connections for any sensors and not there any vacum leaks....sometimes when you have your hands in areas where there is a lot of connections or vacum lines you accidently knock something off... if you can't find anything wrong i would return to the garage where you had it done and have them look...also check for plugged cat converter...hope this helps