Chevrolet Repair: Engine Light, cavalier 1997, chevy cavalier

Chevy Cavalier 1997
For the past couple of years my car has been doing this strange thing where it will just completely shut down. It mainly happens when I am coming out of a parking lot, but sometimes when I am making a turn or stopping at a red light. It seems to have gotten worse this past year. This car is not worth much, so I am not willing to pay a whole lot to get it fixed. If it is something that would be costly I'd like to know before even trying to get it repaired.
Recently my engine light and a light that says ETS has lit up and stays lit. Could this be connected?


 Just take it to a local Parts Source and have them scan it for codes for free.  If you have the code you can reference it quickly at one of many websites that will tell you these codes.  The check engine light only illuminates when a problem is possibly causing higher than specified emissions from teh tailpipe.  You could drain the oil out and drive it and that light won't come on.  If you get those codes and submit another query I will define them and tellyou what might be going on.
