Chevrolet Repair: Brakes, chevy silverado z71, 1999 chevy silverado z71

OK my husband just got done rebuilding the engine it is a 1999 chevy silverado Z71 5.3liter, vortec engine. It took him 8mths and now the engine is running but the brakes are sticking and the emrgince brake light won't go off. he disconnected the emergency brake, and clean the front brakes. The driver side brake broke loose but the others are still locked. And it feels like the truck isn't shifting through all the gears. Any help at all will be amazing.

Hi Jennifer...brakes probably got stuck from sitting, you will have to dissasemble them and service them...tranny could be as simple as low on fluid, or sticking as well..if you think it sticking try a good trans additive. make sure that when the engine was reinstalled that the cable for the trans is on and properly lined up. hope this helps