Chevrolet Repair: 92 pontiac grand am 2.3 quad4 w/no codes, scanner data, quad4

drivability issues. Running rich, blocklearn stays at 184 at idle & injecter pw lower than normal. Scanner data(snap-on) shows everything else ok. I checked MAP w/vac gauge & DVOM, test ok. I also tested MAT, CTS, O2 & fuel pressure and all tested ok. I checked timing(#1 at TDC & air in cyl, couldn't hear any leaks).Could return fuel line be blocked? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Gene, The only thing I have seen common on this one is the map sensor hose and O2 sensor. I would disconnect the 02 and see if it runs better. You could be getting a bad reading from the 02 sensor.

Sorry I can't help more

Have a Nice Day           Mark