Chevrolet Repair: windsheeld wiper, wiper motor, ohm meter

Hi, I have 1978 Chewy Van 350 V - 8 1/2 ton. My windshield wipers won work. sometime they work only in one speed. now it blows fusses.
How do I check if it is electrical problem, 1 wiring or actually the electric motor. 2 I would like to connect new wiper motor only but on separate switch. Can I do that?
Thank you for answer,, Milan

1. Unplug the original wiper motor and check it for resistance using an ohm meter. Your local parts store should be able to help you with this.
2. Connecting a new wiper motor on a seperate switch can be done as long as you know what your doing although I am sure you know otherwise you wouldnt have asked.