Chevrolet Repair: my camaro is dead, using jumper cables, battery cables

i have an 86 camaro 2.8L v6 and its odd i am as stumped as u could be for some reason its not getting enough power to turn over some stuff kinda turns ons but no start ive tried 2 batteries 1 brand spanking new the other is older but has a full charge i know nothing about electrical so anyone who does please help!

If you are POSITIVE that the batteries are OK and POSITIVE that BOTH battery cables are OK then your next fault is most likely the starter.

Pull it off the car and hand carry it into any auto parts store, AUTOZONE, CHECKERS, NAPA etc, etc and they will test it for you for FREE.

Try using another vehicle to jump start yours and this is a way to tell if your battery cables are OK at your battery.

If your car starts using jumper cables then you either have a battery problem or a battery cable(s) problem.

Battery cables can be faulty internally at the connection ends at the battery although they may appear perfectly OK from the outside.
