Chevrolet Repair: 88 chevy spin-on oil filter (couldnt remove), enginuity, correct direction

OK. I tried to remove the filter using a oil filter removal tool. Crushe the can. Slid it up near the base as far as I could, tried again. Crushed the can. I then did the screwdriver through the can method. Tore the can nearly in half. I now have rmove all of the can part and have the base of the filter exposed. I can not get a punch, or chisel and hammer to knock the base loose from the base of the block (even using a little heat and WD40). Do you have any ideas?

Hi Mark,
First, and most important, although you might think it is an insult, is make sure you are turning the correct direction.
Now, I have seen them that just won't come off in the correct direction, so don't get mad at me.
Most filters, after the metal is twisted off, have a part of the filter base, the part with the threads in it, that has a bunch of holes in a metal plate around the center hole. You can take a new filter, and using it for a pattern, make a tool out of a socket, by welding 1/4 inch bolts to it that will fit into those holes, and use a ratchet to turn it off. Don't make the pins any longer than needed, or they will bend.
Might take some enginuity, but it will work.
Good luck,