Chrysler Repair: 12 200 2.4l - Engine Oil Cooler hoses?

QUESTION: I'm in the process of repairing front end damage to the vehicle (since it was going to be 13k to have repair shop do it) and am trying to figure out what to do with the engine oil cooler. There are two outlets on it, but no hoses. I'm about to put the front end back on and just saw that. Any ideas?

ANSWER: Hi Jesse,
I don't have a manual for the "200" as for the most recent year models Chrysler charges around $200 for a manual on a CD. Are you sure this is an Engine oil cooler rather than a Transmission oil cooler? That in my experience is typical rather that a cooler for the engine.
If that were the case there would be fittings on the transmission to which the hoses would be attached and routed forward to the trans cooler which is adjacent to the engine water/antifreeze "radiator".
I do have manuals for the Dodge Caliber and Nitro of '07, and for the Dodge Journey of '09 which no doubt did have the 2.4L option. So I can check out how they were equipped as far as your "cooler" is concerned. So let me know anything specific about the transmission that you have and I can see if that trans was used in any of those models.
Please read the PS, below.

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Chrysler Repair: 12 200 2.4l - Engine Oil Cooler hoses?
Oil deal  
QUESTION: I may be referring to it incorrectly. It's the place the oil filter screws into. I've attached a photo.

ANSWER: Hi Jesse,
After thinking about this overnight, this might be an 'after market' oil cooler. In that case I would suspect that the connection hoses would run from the fittings in the picture to an adapter which you would find on the underside of the engine that is located at the place where the oil filter would normally be screwed into, and that adapter would have similar hose fittings to attach to the two hoses. Please let me know if you find that to be correct.
Thanks for the "nomination" of me, and if you would be so kind as to do that again I would be most appreciative.

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QUESTION: Thanks for the reply. I was thinking that was the case as well but just confirmed it's stock. On these cars, the oil cooler is right above where you screw in the oil filter (unlike the remote option). I wonder if the hoses run to the radiator hoses or something. Who knows. I've called a couple Chrysler dealerships and the service departments have no idea.

Hi Jesse,
I think you will be able to find the details by going to the dealer and specifically to the parts department where they should have parts manuals for the vehicle and those will show you diagrammatically exactly how those two nipples are connected to other parts of the engine or radiator structure. The picture you included didn't show me what the "cooler" looked like. Usually if there is an oil cooler it is a separate radiator-looking device and it mounts in front of the regular water/antifreeze radiator and it has its own input and output nipples.
That is how it is arranged for the transmission oil cooler. I just have never seen an engine oil cooler set up and I am surprised that there is because the main engine cooling system is the water/antifreeze. I will be interest to learn what you find at a dealer parts counter.