Chrysler Repair: 2.6 exhaust noise in the engine compartment

QUESTION: Hi Roland-

Found the tubes you were talking about, 1 goes from the exhaust manifold to under the carburetor and the other goes from the same general area (about 2" away) back to the underside of the air cleaner. Where is the air aspirator valve located? I only see the tubes. Do you have a picture or diagram to show what I am looking for? Is it easy to replace? If not, does it hurt anything (other than being noisy) if I do not fix it?


As shown in the manual, those two tubes (one rubber, one metal) are supposed to be connected together by the air aspirator valve. It is not very noticeable, but it is the device that connects to the metal tube via threaded fitting and to the rubber hose via push-on fitting and that then goes to the air cleaner.
So see if that is not the case and if the two don't connect as I described then probably the air aspirator valve has been lost and left the two tubes disconnected. I am basing this on the '83 manual but I would believe your '82 is set up this way. See if a dealer has it or at a parts house or on the internet.
That pathway is designed to reduce air pollution by adding some exhaust gas to the intake under proper conditions. The noise can be a trouble to your ears, but I suppose you could block the metal tube end, and similarly close off the rubber hose.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


I went and looked again, the 2 tubes do not connect with each other. They both go from the back side of the engine (1 from the air cleaner, 1 from the exhaust)to under the carburetor. I tried to attach pictures but it is not letting me copy/paste/download to attach. Do you have another way for me to send pictures of the engine bay?


No I don't have another way via the web site. As I explained, the '83 manual shows the two pipes to be connected by the aspirator valve itself. I can only think of possibly a Chrysler dealer parts department (or Mitsubishi) having a parts manual that would show the way those two pipes were connected in the '82 model. I believe that connection is the purpose of the two pipes as described in the '83 manual. I personally have not seen a 2.6L engine of that time so only can base my knowledge on the manual that I have. Does the metal pipe have threads? If so, then that is where the aspirator attaches, and it should also have an attachment nipple for the rubber hose.
Thanks for you understanding, and for the rating and nomination.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


The tubes are separate until they go under the carburetor/intake manifold. The only other connection to the air cleaner is a rubber hose that comes from the valve cover. I bought the 1982 Chrysler service manual but found out there was a thinner manual covering the engine electrical, carburetor and emissions equipment that should have came with it. I guess I will try to find this manual and maybe that would help.

Thanks for your help,

If there are no other disconnected tubes/pipes around that area I would have to believe that they are supposed to be connected and from what is described in the '83 manual that connection includes the air aspirator valve. Does the rubber tube connect to the clean side of the air cleaner housing, does the metal tube connect to the exhaust manifold? If so then you are looking at the air aspirator 'system' and you need to get the parts necessary to connect them.
I hope you will have some luck finding the manual or at a Chrysler or Mitsubishi dealer, Jim.