Chrysler Repair: 2003 dodge grand caravan codes 1282, 1388, 1389

QUESTION: Hi its all again now I tried those fuses and new codes came because the car died out again the codes are  p 1684 p 1388 p0320  p1389 p1388 p1282 god I hope you can help  thank you again

The 1684 means that the battery was disconnected sometime recently, which of course happens if you disconnect it in order to erase the previous codes. If you haven't done that lately, I would do it now and then try to start again and then see what the 'fresh' codes are.
I say that because the 0320 is the crank position sensor which I understand you to have replaced that, correct? So it might be a 'stale' code.
The 1388 and 1389 are both about the automatic shutdown relay, and earlier today I described what to do about that. The 1388 speaks to the other part of the relay, the circuit that activates it, and that too needs a good fuse #16. Have you tried replacing that?
Other than a battery cable being loose or the relay being flakey (did you try switching that out with a similar relay as I suggest earlier toady) I can't see any other reason for those 2 codes.
The 1282 is similar but pertains to the fuel pump relay which like the ASD relay needs a good connection at the battery and a solid fuse #17, and of course a good relay. So check the battery, fuse, and try a relay substation just like for the ASD relay approach.
As to the battery, you might also follow the - post cables to the nearby place where they attach to the body  and also the one that attaches to the engine to be sure those attachment points are tight and not corroded.
I think you will find the cause of all these issues if you follow this list. Let me know of your progress.
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QUESTION: Hi Roland I'm sorry to be a bother again this is also als  wife whom has been doing the.communicating with you OK here we go again 2 codes p1684 and p0320 but I have anew issues when we start the car the rpms go up to 3 and then drops and the car  any thoughts thanks again

ANSWER: If you just disconnected the battery and then read the codes and you get a 1684 (which is normal that you should as 1684 means "battery recently disconnected) AND you get an 0320 (which is the code saying that the signal from the crankshaft position sensor is flakey/missing) then I believe that if Al replaced that sensor and the code is still there then either the new sensor is faulty, it was not installed properly, or there is a problem with one of the three wires that connect between the sensor and the engine control module plug. If he has a voltmeter I can tell you how to measure the voltages at the sensor to check that out, or the wiring as well.
But what you asked about is the "rpms go up to 3 and the car"...the car does what? If it drops back to normal idle I would not be worried about that. If it dies, then that might be related to the crankshaft position sensor. So tell me about what has or hasn't been done about the crankshaft position sensor, and what does the car (engine) do after 'rpms go to 3".
Thanks for the earlier rating and nomination. You can do both again if you would wish to do that.

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QUESTION: I apologize for not putting what the car does the rpms go up to 3 then drop down to 2 and then it surges  and we have  a voltmeter

I think that the fact it is starting and running suggests that there is nothing wrong with the crankshaft position sensor. I would suggest that you disconnect the - post from the battery for a minute, then reconnect it. That way you will erase all the old codes. Then start it again, and if you can drive for a few miles, then read the codes again. If you can't drive it for a few miles then let it run at the curb for a few minutes and read the codes. You will get a 1684 code of course, but any other code may be helpful in resolving the issue. It is good to know you have a voltmeter, but we need to find a fresh code that we can investigate and maybe use it to do that. I don't see a specific code right now to investigate.
The revving up and then running at 2,000 rpm suggests some sort of an issue with either the idle control valve or possibly an air leak that is letting air into the intake manifold through a loose fitting vacuum hose, but it would really be helpful to have a 'fresh' code(s).
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