Chrysler Repair: alternator removal: PT cruiser, torque wrench, pt crusier

I am trying to remove the alt. on my 03'pt crusier touring edition.I have alt.loose,but don't know how to get it out of car.I am working in my driveway.Do not have access to air tools or a lift.Please help me if you can.THANK YOU.

Hi John,

Thanks for the rating. Would you be so kind as to let me know via a follow-up question what is the alternate way that you found to remove the alternator? I am sure that other PT owners would be glad to know it. Also mention your engine (L) as the 2.0/2.4L procedure was still shown in my latest '07 manual to be that horrendous procedure I have described. Thanks so much.

Original answer:
This is unbelievably abstruse! It is a 20+step process and requires removing the lower control arm from the steering knuckle and also the axle half-shaft and dropping the alternator down and out. I don't believe you will need a lift (but you will have to jack up the front right wheel) nor air tools. If you haven't a torque wrench and a fairly complete set of tools this may be more than you want to do yourself
It would really help you if I copy the pages/steps from the '04 manual that I have on a CD and attach those to an email I will send to you directly. Send me a follow-up question and tell me your email address, but don't use the @ symbol, instead us 'at', otherwise the address is erased automatically.
I assume that you have the 2.0/2.4L version of the PT, if not let me know.
Please 'rate' my answer (see the PS below).