Chrysler Repair: 1990 Chrysler Fifth avenue, volt ohm meter, digital dash

Entire digital dash will not work. What could this be and would I be able to fix it myself? Note: I am a female with very little car knowledge. Although I did change a serpentine belt myself. Thank you for any info you can give me!!!

Hi Wendi,
You should be able to have a go at this.
First do a self-test: Simultaneously press the trip and trip reset buttons on the cluster, then start the engine, then release the buttons. If there is still no display on the electronic cluster the cluster has to be removed and the voltage supply and ground wire connections need to be verified at the plug on the back side of the cluster. That is best done with a volt-ohm meter which a simple meter would do (available at electronics supply for under $20). If those tests show there to be power and ground connection to the cluster then repair/replacement from a wrecking yard would be the choices. There is a company in Canada that does service these clusters.
So do the self-test, then let me know either way what the cluster shows. The only fuse involved is #8 in the box under the dash, but most likely if that wers blown there would be other issues beyond the cluster being dark if that were the case.
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