Chrysler Repair: serpentine and power steering belt removal, chrysler sebring convertible, serpentine belt

I have a split serpentine belt on a 98 chrysler sebring convertible 4.5 L. I eased the tension, but can't get it off or get a new one on without removing the fuel pump belt. I loosened the tension bracket bolt, removed the top bolt towards the firewall, but there is a bolt between the pulley underneath and the endine with about a 1/2 inch clearance to get to. I finally got an open end on it and started backing it out, but if it comes all the way out, how will I ever get it back in? I think I'm doing something wrong, and there may be another way to loosen the tension and get the belt off so that I can then replace the serpentine belt. Any suggestions?

I am not clear as to what you have done, but here is how it is supposed to be done:
Loosen the bolt on the axis of the idler pulley whick locks the adjuster bolt
Then turn the adjuster bolt to loosen the tension on the pulley. This is for the 2.5L engine. Do you perhaps have the 2.4L?