Chrysler Repair: ac compressor: 2007 nitro, ac system, ac compressor

how can i check to see if the compressor is bad?

Hi Karon,
The evaluation of the AC system usually begins with an overall performance test to see to what degree the air is being cooled. Then if that is below par, you do readings of the pressure of the refrigerant at two separate ports of the system. If beyond that there are abnormal noises, then there is a technique to evalutate those properly. I don't happen to have an '07 manual but if you can tell me which '06 vehicle the Nitro is similar too, and what is the engine size (L), I can see what info I have on CD for you that would be applicable. I could then attach those pages to an email. I would need to know your email address as the experts don't routinely see that.
Have you considered whether the refrigerant may just be below the amount necessary for the compressor to operate properly as this is the most common reason for non-function of the AC?