Chrysler Repair: Chrysler 3.0 liter, Tension pulley removal and install, pin fasteners, plymouth voyager

I have a Plymouth voyager, that's in dire need of a tension pulley replacement, i am somewhat mechanically inclined, but before i start i wanted to find the best way to go about removing and installing it. are there any special tools ill need TO REMOVE OR INSTALL IT?  .. i've tried to locate video advice but none show the information...i require...can you give me some advice or tips?

Hi Derek,
There are two pulleys for the accessory drive belts, which is what I presume you are speaking of. The first step is to remove the splash shield of the right wheel well, after jacking up that side and removing the wheel. There are push-pin fasteners that attach the shield to the frame both in front and behind the suspension. Gently pry out the round center clip of each fastener to then release it. There are screws that hold the shield to the fender.
Then remove the drive belts. To remove the generator/power steering belt simply use a clockwise rotation on the pully bolt to move the tensioner enough to release the belt tension and remove the belt. On the ac compressor belt, if you need to remove it, loosen the nut on the pulley itself wnich  will then allow you to turn the nearby adjustment bolt of the pulley.
Oncc you have the belts off, the tensioner of the generator/ps belt is held in place by two bolts, while the tensioner for the ac belt is held in place by three bolts. No special tools are needed it appears. There bolts are shown in photographs of the Haynes manual #30011 for the model years '96-99 on pages 2B-6.
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