Chrysler Repair: 96 chrysler lhs, chrysler lhs, fuel pump relay

QUESTION: car will not start, put new fuel pump in but no power to fuel pump. reset alarm and still wont start.please help

ANSWER: jump the fuel pump relay see if U have power at the connector then

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: we did that and the fuel pump went on, put a new relay and still no power to fuel pump.

ANSWER: fuses inside and outside of the car is good correct?   
on the relay  U want 2 powers and one ground

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: fuses inside car are good (what do you mean by outside)we changed the relay with a new one so I am sure it has 2 powers and one ground, how can you tell.

There are fuses inside the car and outside under the hood 2 different power centers
if u do have 2 powers and one ground the relay would work and u would be running   because u jumped the relay and it came on  u now know the main feed back to the pump is good.   U need to look where the relay is for the other power supply and the ground that controls the relay.
If all of this is over your head I would suggest that U take it to a mechanic that has electrical experience.