Chrysler Repair: 1999 Sebring 2.5L P0700/P0750/P1782, solenoid pack, solenoid connectors

QUESTION: In addition to the codes in the subject line, I have faulty instrument cluster display of shift position, usually with boxes around all PRNDL positions.  I also have no scan tool communication with the TCM.  In fact the vehicle behaves the same way with the TCM disconnected as it does connected, which suggests that I'm stuck in "limp in" mode.

I checked fused B+ to TCM, TCM connector grounds, L-R Solenoid Control circuit wiring at both TCM and solenoid connectors, all of which checked out fine.  I have replaced TCM and verified proper switch operation in the transmission range sensor.  I have checked transmission control relay: relay is good (I've swapped relays to make sure) but it seems that the TCM is not turning the relay on.  I checked CCD bus connection to the TCM (good).  Based on that and the codes I'm getting the logical course seems to be to replace the solenoid pack.  However, why then would my shift indication at the instrument cluster be stuck with boxes around all PRNDL?  Is it normal for that to happen if the TCM goes to "limp-in"?  I'd hate to replace another not-so-cheap part with no positive results.  

ANSWER: Hi Chris,
I responded to your situation on 1/21 a day after you submitted this similar report and question to Kevin. He subsequently referred it to the 'pool' (today) which my default is to me. Please let me know of any resolution or progress or questions you might have.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: FYI, problem is fixed.  Turned out to be two broken components, hence the confusion.  Both solenoid pack replaced (fixed limp in mode problem) and transmission range sensor replaced (fixed shift indication problem).

Thanks for the progress report, I am glad you have it fixed.

For reference my earlier response (1/21) was:
I have to admit that I can't follow exactly what you are reporting to me. What does 'b/w' mean?
Do I understand that the range sensor is not showing the expected results in its resistance tests? Wouldn't that explain the shift indicator problem?
Both the 0750 and 1782 have a possible cause of solenoid pack malfunction. So on that basis my belief is that you should replace that assembly.