Chrysler Repair: 97 Chrysler lhs no start, code 0340/54, 97 chrysler lhs, crankshaft pulley

i have a 97 Chrysler i've driving to work it just died didn't sputter or make and noises from what i've been told it could have been the crankshaft or camshaft sensor still nothing so i just started testing things found the ignition coil to be out of tolerance so i changed it nothing but I'm also now getting a code saying that its not getting a signal from the camshaft but its getting correct power and its brand new any suggestions?

Hi Christopher,
If you haven't changed the sensor since the problem began (even though it is 'new') then the code may be telling you what is wrong. Alternatively, this could be a stale code from when you changed the sensor. To erase the code simply disconnect the battery for a minute, then reconnect and try starting it and see if the code returns. If it does then:
It would be good to test the cam sensor signal to be sure that it is reaching the power control module. At the sensor you could probe the wires at the connector plug using fine pins to reach them and with the ignition in the run position you should get 8V on the orange wire, and then when you turn the crankshaft pulley bolt using a socket and ratchet and measure across the other two wires (tan/yellow, black/light blue) you should see the voltage oscillate between 5V and 0.3V sveral times per revolution of the crank. If not, then the sensor is not close enough to the cam sprocket (get a new spaces and reinstall it). If you get pulsing then verify that you also get it at the pcm between pins 33 and 43. If you do, then the code is false/stale. If not then there is a problem with one or the other wire.