Chrysler Repair: location of blower motor resister block: 99 Stratus, blower motor resister, correct diagnosis

My 1999 dodge sratus heater motor only works in the high position. I believe it might be the motor resister also I'm not sure where it is located.

Hi Dave,
You have the correct diagnosis. To get to it, go to the passenger side of the dash and remove the silencer/duct on the lower edge for better access to the ac housing. Then look at the bottom right hand end of the housing where the blower motor is located and you will see a twisted pair of wires that take you right to the resistor block. Pull the plug, remove the 2 screws of the socket and the socket/resistor block will drop down out of the housing.
Make sure the resistors of the new block don't touch one another.
That's it.