Chrysler Repair: 95 2.5L V-6 overheat: intake manifold removal, intake plenum, mounting bolt

QUESTION: Hi, I have a 95 sebring 2.5l the temp gauge was going up pretty high at stop lights and back down when moving so I replaced the thermostat and was good for 2 days then started heating up again, and there was steam coming up  under intake plenum, so I beleive it is water pump problem now am i right and do you need special tools to change pump. Thank you and have been big help in past.

ANSWER: Hi John,
I would feel both sides of the radiator to see if they are similarly hot or not as a partially plugged radiator may be the problem. The water pump is a big job usually best done when you have to do the timing belt. Let me know what you find by examining the radiator cross-flow possible issue.

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QUESTION: hi again all my coolant seams to be dumping into the valley because it is way low again and that is where all the steam is coming from, is there anywhere else under the plenum the coolant could be leaking from, like it was steaming out of there 20 minutes after shutdown. Thank you

ANSWER: Hi John,
Yes there is a long water pipe returning coolant to the pump, under the plenum, that is routed from the rear of the engine to the backside of the waterpump. There is an o-ring pressed in between the pipe and the pump which may well be leaking. The pipe is held in place by a bracket and bolt at the rear end of the engine and it can be removed by releasing that bracket mounting bolt. You probably have to remove the plenum to get to the area so as to remove the pipe and clean the inlet surface of the water pump which mates with the pipe/ring (but you could give a try to simply pulling the pipe out from the rear of the engine if space permits. Apply a new 0-ring (use only water on the O-ring to lubricate it) on the end of the pipe and reinsert it into the waterpump. That is the probable cause for water/steam coming from under the plenum and between the v-block of the engine.

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QUESTION: Hi again, so I pulled off the plenum now my question is can I leave the injectors and fuel rails on the intake manifold and flip it all over the battery area?

The manual says to disconnect the fuel fittings to the rail. Remove map and intake air temp sensors, remove plenum support braceket bolt located to rear of MAP, remove bolt holding air intake resonator to intake manifold, loosen throttle body air inlet hose clamp, release saps holding air cleaner cover housing to cover, remove air cleaner cover and inlet hoses from engine, unplug TPS and idle air control motor connectors, squeeze retainer tab on throttle cable and slide cable out of bracket, slide speed control cable out of bracket, remove egr tube from intake manifold, remove plenum support bracket bolt located rearward of egr tube, remove 7 bolts holding upper intake plenum and remove, disconnect electrical connectors from injectors, remove 4 bolts holding fuel rail (there are spacers under each fuel rail bolt!), remove lower intake manifold attaching bolts , remove intake manifold.
I haven't done this job myself, only listing for you the steps in the '97 manifold for removing the manifold.