Chrysler Repair: My car keep cutting off and not restarting, crank sensor, fuse box

QUESTION: ok, so mid-gear, could be at stop waiting for light, or running at 60 mph, the car cruise control light flashes and the car cuts out, no rmps, not idle, nothing, we have changed the cam sensor, and it runs better but still shutting off, oh and after shut down i have to place car in park, and wait 5-15 minutes for car to restart, once restarted it runs fine, until the next time it happens, could happen upto 10 times a week, also do you have a map for the fuse box??? think the cruise control is just a fuse, but without the map cant find it...

ANSWER: what kinda car is this

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Chrylser Concord LXI 98, i do not need a mechanic, i just need to see a map of the fuse box, or advice as to what could be causing the car to shutting off while driving

I never offered u a mechanic  if u read close  the first word says
signature   which means it will go on every post that I make regardless u live any where near me.

as for a map of the fuse box  I cant post a pic on here that would show u what every fuse is   inside and out of the car  for that U will need a manual to give u a blown up pic of it.
As for the stalling  could be any number of things.

cam or crank sensor,fuel issue  coil pack issue  computer,wire issue  with out some more diog done  I cant really point u in the right direction.  are there any codes in the computer?