Chrysler Repair: 97 Grand Voyager intermittent no heat problem, slide pots, calibration test

QUESTION: I just had a full diagnostic run on my vehicle at a local Chrysler dealer which has since closed, and everything checked out fine.  Since the cold snap we just had this week, my temp gauge goes to the normal halfway point, but I occasionally get no heat.  I have heard several theories about what this might be, but am not sure what to believe.  There is plenty of coolant in the overflow jug, and no sign of leakage or dripping on the pavement underneath.  Please help!  Thanks in advance...

ANSWER: Hi Kathleen,
The first thing to do is try a "calibration test" and "cool down test" which will possibly reset the blend air door which mixes the hot and cold air to produce something more in line with how the controls are set. Here is what to do, with the engine running:

Set Blower motor ON HIGH
Set Mode position to Panel
Open all A/C outlets
Set Temperature to Cold (Both slide pots if equipped)
Depress WASH and REAR WIPER button simultaneously for 5 Seconds (Until all LED's light)
All LED's will turn on for 5 Seconds
Calibration Test is running when REAR WIPER and INTERMITTENT are alternately flashing. Cooldown test is running if A/C and RECIRC are alternately flashing.
Acceptable results is REAR WIPER LED is the only LED flashing. Push Rear Wiper to exit.
After all tests have passed, Calibration Diagnostics and Cooldown can be run separately.

Then let me know if there is some other combination of lights flashing when this is finished. And also see whether the problem has been solved via the calibration procedure.
PS Use the 'thank/rate' tab below to get back to me, without having to wait for me to be 'available' to take a question. There is a space for comments, to which I will respond.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again Roland,
Thank you again for fixing my problem, but my new question is this: Only the calibration test ran, is there another key sequence for the cooldown test?

You are still my hero!

ANSWER: Hi Kathleen,
According to the manual you need to set the blower on high, set mode to Panel, open all A/C outlets, Set temp slide(s) to Cold , Depress WASH and A/C simultaneously for 5 seconds. (be sure that the AC has not been operating for some time before starting this test, which also means not having run the defrost either). All LED's will turn on after 5 seconds, The test is running while A/C and Recirc are alternatively flashing. If A/C and recirc are simultaneously flashing then the cooldown test has failed.
PS Thanks for the encouragement. You may notice that there is no opportunity to rate me, this time. I just took the action to not allow ratings because of an issue I have with Allexperts tech support management. They have not exercised quality control over the process to the end that several "experts" manipulate the results to gain false nominations so as to become the Top Expert of the month. It is disheartening to have that happen so the only way I could protest was to boycott. Thanks for your understanding.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: sorry to be such a pest, but what should the outcome of this test be?

Hi Kathleen,
As with the original list, acceptable is if the rear wiper LED is the one flashing. Press it to turn it off.

Hi Kathleen,
I hope everything worked out with the heater/AC.  Please let me know by using the 'thank/rate' tab below.
While you are there, if I might ask a favor: where it asks about a 'nomination for expert of the month' I would appreciate your entering a 'yes'. I am in a close race for that honor so every vote counts! The Allexperts team fixed one problem with the misuse of the 'contest', but I am still competing with another fellow who strangely gets more nominations than the number of questions that he answers! I really appreciate your kind words.