Chrysler Repair: starter problem: 01 minivan, solenoid switch, neutral safety switch

where is the neutral safety switch on my 2001 voyager van 4 cylndr the starter wont start.  I have current going to the top post but there is a bottom post and I'm reading contunuity to ground?

Hi Leroy,
The park/neutral safety switch is located inside the transmission solenoid box as one switch section of transmission range sensor. The powertrain controller senses whether or not that switch is grounded. I doubt that is the problem. I am not clear as to what specific component you are describing as having a 'top' and 'bottom' post. Do you mean the starter relay? Have you tried jumping 12v to the solenoid switch at the starter motor? Please use the "thank/rate" tab to get back to me if you wish, without having to wait for me to be 'available' to take a question.  

the post that I am refering too is on the starter, for some reason the bottom post wiht my meter shows contunuity with ground is this supposed to be?

The post at the motor with the light gauge brown wire comes from the starter motor relay. It would show a short to ground, but that is because it is at one end of a coil whose other end is grounded, but which will close the main current switch of the motor whan you put 12V on that post via the brown wire. It is called the solenoid switch. If you jump from brown wire post to the red wire post the
motor should crank. But be very careful as the red wire can deliver hundreds of amps so if you should accidentally short it to a true ground by means of a jumper there will be a very hot wire that will burn you. I would check to see whether when you try the starter the starter relay clicks, and then see if 12v also appears at the brown wire post. If it does, and yet the starter motor doesn't respond, then either the solenoid switch is not good, the motor is no good, or the fat red wire has too much resistance in it or is 'open'.