Chrysler Repair: 1999 3.3 Grand Voyager: horn relay location, dickens of a time, fuse panel

I have a repair manual for my Son's mini van.  The horn relay seems to be bad.  I am having a dickens of a time finding that inside fuse panel.  The only one I see is under the hood.  Where's the other one inside and how do I get at it?

Hi Tonia,
There is a fuse panel under the dash on the driver side, and also a relay block under the dash, only that latter one is mounted on the left cowl panel (which is to the left of the driver's left lower leg). You will find the relay for the horn at the lower left corner of that relay block.
PS If you need to get back quickly, use the "thank/rate" tab below where there is a section for comments. You won't have to wait for me to be available that way.

Wow, I was afraid I had to wait the 3-5 days. My Husband and I forged ahead and found it. Yup, bad relay. You're great! Wish I'd found this website earlier. Tonia from Minnesota

You are welcome, Tonia. Thanks for the evaluation and nomination.