Chrysler Repair: 2003 Sebring Switch Turn Signal-Headlamp-, amp fuse, left blinker

QUESTION: I turned my left blinker on and it caused my headlights to no longer work. Do I need to replace a fuse or is the the entire switch turn signal headlamp? If so, HOW do I replace that?

ANSWER: Hi Crystal,
I have to base my answer on a 1998 manual as that is the most recent one I have. I just bought a 2003 set of manuals which should arrive shortly, so let me know if what a describe doesn't seem to fit your situation...
There is a 40 amp fuse in the rectangular power distribution box under the hood (behind the radiator, and  between two other rectangular boxes (the computers). Remove the lid and look at fuse #15 to see if it is blown (a big one, in the middle of an array of 9 such fuses, it may be labelled "headlamps"). If so, replace it. I suspect that the switch may have shorted out the fuse. I just had a similar question yesterday from an owner whose left turn functionality was messed up, so this may be a weak point in the system. Let me know if the fuse solves it, but it blows again, and I can tell you how to replace the switch. It has several steps, but if you are perseverant you should be able to do it yourself. It might be possible to get inside and see what is wrong, also.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Per the number chart on the fuse box, the fuses are numbered but the one you said was #15, is a smaller fuse, not one of the bigger ones like you stated. The smaller fuses are clear, the larger ones are solid in color and you can not see through them. The fuse is no labelled headlamps. The small fuse labelled #15, I cannot remove. Also, there seem to be fuses missing, is this accurate?

Hi Crystal,
I am afraid that until I get my manuals I can't tell you. Look on the underside of the lid perhaps it is listed there as to which is for the headlamps. It would be a larger fuse, I believe, but I can't be sure. If you can borrow a continuity tester you could check each fuse individually, electrically. Or use what is called an ohmmeter. I wish I could help, but it wasn't until recently that I could buy a set of 2003 manuals that I could afford. Also see if it is shown in the owners manual as to which fuse if for the headlamps. I do believe that one of the 40 amp fuses would be the one. So buy a 40 amp fuse and try substituting it for any of the 40's in the box. Don't try the left hand signal yet unless you have a second new one, in case you blow the first replacement. I should have the manuals shortly.

Hi Crystal,
The manuals let me know where things stand at the moment if you still need some help.