Chrysler Repair: Rear noise problem with 1998 Dodge Stratus, dodge stratus, noise problem

I bought my son's 1998 Stratus to help him out financially.  I would like to get 4-6 more months of use, if it is worth fixing.  Last Dec. I put $700 into repairs.  It has a manual transmission and I can't use 2nd without grinding - so I have just been maneuvering into third and essentially bypassing second.  That didn't seem to be a problem, but today I hear a noise that seemingly is coming from the rear of the car - driver's side.  It is a loud noise.  Any ideas?  I am wondering if it is safe to drive to a repair shop 20 miles away?


Hi Margie,
Does the sound 'track' with the rpm of the engine? If so that might be simply the exhaust system either leaking or rubbing some where on the chassis to the rear. You could try getting up to a reasonable speed and then put it in neutral to coast and let the engine just idle and see if the noise promptly reduces (then it would be the exhaust system) or if it instead remains about the same and gets quieter as the car slows down in sync with the speed (in which case I would suspect it is the rear wheel bearing). If it is the wheel bearing you would probably be able to get to a shop before it seizes up. This is not a major repair but it would be useful for the shop to know and to get the bearing ahead of time so you don't get  tied up waiting for the part. If you removed the hubcap you might be able to squirt some oil in the bearing to assure that it would get to shop. The time to change out the bearing is an hour or less.