Chrysler Repair: Running rough when warm, coolant temp, vacuum pipe

1989 new Yorker 3.0 v6 4 speed Auto Trans (41TE Ultradrive/ A604) runs great when cold but as soon as it starts to warm up it begins it's stop and go antics if you press the throttle all the way it will almost cut out you have to press the throttle approx 1/2 an inch no more  or the car will lag (the gas will catch and lurch then stop and you have to wait for the next wave usually within 2-5 seconds) I have checked the MAP sensor with your test of removing the vacuum pipe and testing the voltage ,I have replaced the 02 sensor,I have also tested the TPS with a ohmmeter and the resistance slowly increases with the movement of the throttle, and the coolant temp sensor is fine as I tried a new one and it changed nothing. There is also a 'bum-shift' more pronounced from 2-1 which had stopped until just now when it started all over again. the codes I get are 22,12,13,33,44 Please HELP I am running out of ideas and money fast.

Hi Laura,
Sorry to be late in responding, I was not paying close attention to the "pool" questions.
I would suggest disconnecting the battery for a few minutes to clear the codes (except for the 12) and then see which codes are still be reported after your next several trips. The 33 is not relevant, the 44 sounds like you might have a flaky ignition switch (that would produce momentary cutting out). The MAP (code 13) could be flaky even though it is responding because these can go inaccurate and appear nonetheless to be working. On the coolant temp sensor (code 22) see if it reads about 10,000 to 14,000 ohms when cold, and verify that the resistance drops to 700-1,000 ohms when it is fully warmed up. Let me know what you learn.