Chrysler Repair: lamp out malfunction, filament bulbs, drb iii

i have a 03 dodge 3500 diesel, the lamp out indicator goes on and off all the time i have checked all the bulbs, and replaced the strips the bulbs plug into on the taillights, i have noticed that the lamp out will go off if you push on the brake pedal. i have taken it to two differant dodge dealerships with no luck. i noticed other people have had the same trouble and was wondering if you or anyone else has come across a solution for this problem. thank you for your time.

Lamp Out Indicator With Aftermarket Pick Up Box Installation
2003 DR Ram Truck
In situations where an aftermarket utility box is installed after the removal of the original
equipment pick up box, the lamp out indicator may illuminate. This is due to the
use of aftermarket rear stop and turn signal lamps which use a dual filament bulb
instead of separate circuits for the stop and turn indictor. The Front Control Module
(FCM), monitors the current flowing through the stop and turn signal circuits to operate
the lamp out feature. Most aftermarket rear stop and turn signal assemblies use
dual filament bulbs with a common stop and turn circuit. The current flow through
these units will be different than the original equipment lamps.
A new feature has been added to the FCM to allow the use of dual filament rear stop and turn
signals. This feature is called, “Combined Rear Stop and Turn lamps” . It can be programmed
into the FCM using the DRB® III on vehicles built after Aug. 6, 2003 (MDH - 0806XX). To
program the feature, connect the DRB® III and make the following menu selections:
Item No. Description
1 DRB Stand Alone
3 Body
9 Miscellaneous
4 Comb R Stop & Turn
Vehicles built prior to Aug. 6, 2003 with earlier version FCM’s are not equipped with this
capability. The later version FCM, (p/n 56049681AB) can be installed in these vehicles
to provide the feature. Vehicles purchased as “Cab Chassis” or “Box Off" are shipped
with the feature activated from the factory and do not require programming.
Information Only