Chrysler Repair: Battery drain is discharging the battery: 94 van, cable clamp, fuse box

1994 town&country alternator is good but the battery discharges

Hi Carl,
The chances are good that there is a circuit (a set of wires supplied by a single fuse) that has a hidden "draw" of current that it should not be doing when the van is shut down. What you need to do is use an ammeter (measures current flow) which you insert into the negative side of the power supply for the van: remove the -post cable from the battery, then put the two ammeter probes between the detached cable clamp and the - post of the battery so as to measure how much current is flowing through the wire. It should be way less than 100 milliamps. If not, then you begin to remove the fuses, one at a time, until you find one that causes the current to drop to a much lower level. Then when you know which fuse(s) are carrying that extra current we can look at the circuit to find what suspect items might be the cause. I don't know for '94 whether there is a power distribution box under the hood near the battery that has fuses in it, or not. If so then I would start at that box, then when you find which fuse is carrying excess current you would go to the fuse box under the dash to find out the fuses there that are also carrying that current (because the underhood box supplies the under dash fuses too). Always replace the fuses as you remove them (one at a time) after you have observed whether they are carrying a lot of current. Let me know whether or not you have the distribution box under the hood or only the one under the dash, and which fuses are carrying alot of current. I have the '93 and '95 wiring diagrams so it has to be one or the other set up, I just don't know which.
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