Chrysler Repair: Starter motor removal on Concorde 98 3.5l, starter solenoid, catalyst support

I have managed to undo all 3 bolts on the starter motor and detached the starter motor / solenoid unit from the engine. However I cannot figure out how to get the stater motor assembly out to be tested. It can move back about 3 inches but that is about 1/2 inch too little to fully detach it from the engine and rotate it out. I also cannot rotate it far enough to detach the wire from the top side of the assembly. Any tips on getting the assembly physically out of the engine bay?

Hi Charles:
The manual says to raise vehicle and disconnect remote (-) post cable from remote post. Then "remove one nut to catalyst support bracket", "remove two nuts from catalyst support bracket mounting", remove two nuts and one bolt from stater motor which you have done, "remove positive feed wire from starter", "remove starter solenoid assembly from transmission housing", "position starter to gain access to posi-lock wiring connector", "position jack stand beneath engine and slightly lift to relieve pressure from left engine mount", "remove three left engine mount mounting bolts from engine block", "jack engine up slightly to gain more room to maneuver starter assembly", "slide starter motor out between catalyst and engine mount", "disconnect posi-lock starter solenoid connector", "remove starter". Install is the reverse. Remember to reconnect posi-lock right after starter is placed in position.
I hope this is helpful.
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