Chrysler Repair: Heater core repaired, now wont start, heater core repair, allexperts

I've just completed a heater core repair, surprisingly evrything went back together easier than it came apart. I have one problem though. Since connecting all the switches and what not.....the car won't fire up, she'll turn over but won't there something I forgot to connect ?

Hi Denis,
I suspect so, and in my experience, thinking about it may bring it back to you as to what you haven't done. But beyond that I can't offer too much since you didn't tell me the year and model and body.
I would check for spark, and also listen for the fuel pump to see whether it runs for a second when you move the key to run. The other thing to do is check for fault codes which depending upon the year will possibly show up using the ignition key. Check the most recent messages at the bottom of the home page for this area of Allexperts where I described how to do that for pre-97 and then for 97-on vehicles. Let me know what you learn, please.