Chrysler Repair: 97 Sebring conv Jxi PCM causing no cold A/C, compressor failure, compressor clutch

QUESTION: Had no cold A/C and oil light on near 750 RPM intermittently. Dealer said $786
to replace PCM (code was P1496, P1599,P0112). That is just to get PCM working
so they can diagnose oil light and A/C. Had car less than a year, put 7,000 miles
on it. Could dealer be aware of this when he sold it? Any way out for less $$$

ANSWER: was the check engine light on when u got the car  if not  then i doubt that prob was there.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the response. No it was not. OBD code definition from auto parts
store reading was "5 volt supply voltage low condition". Is A/C & oil light so
tied up in the PCM/ECM? The rep at the dealer was very cheerful about me
spending money for this, but it may not solve the problem! I paid for a
warranty when I bought the car and it just happens PCM was not covered. I
am cynical. Should I just drive until it dies?

ANSWER: ok b4  we go any further  why dont u tell me what the issue is  and not what some one else says it is.I need all the info u have thus far stuff that u dont see working right and what tests u have done.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I greatly appreciate this. I live in Charlotte, my wife grew up in Roswell and she
is UGA alum. Car has always stalled at low idle. Had checked by good mechanic,
said he saw nothing wrong. 9 months later no cold A/C. Checked refrigerant and
pressure reading was past 100, indicating compressor failure. Checked fuses. All
OK. Tried to bypass auto shutdown switch for low refrigerant to see if that was
bad. It shut the car down so I gave up on that.  Oil press light on more after A/C
stopped. One mechanic said dealing with a warranty was too much trouble and
would not work on it.

ok  thats better  turn on the ac and with a hammer hit the clutch  the part that spins  u more then likely have a bad compressor clutch. If u jumped the wrong wires in the switch  u might have blown the PCM with a voltage spike. SO with that info  what warranty do u have? Can the place u got it from use it? if so then take it to them and pay the deductible I live about 10 min from Roswell =)