Chrysler Repair: 2001 T&C Blower Motor, blower motor resistor, atlanta area

QUESTION: Hello. I have had the same problems many have listed. The first being that the front and back AC/Heater only works on high. Recently, the front quit all together. After looking on this site, I replaced the blower motor resistor. It did nothing. I took it to a repair shop and they just called and said the blower motor would need to be replaced. The approximate cost, $495.00. I have two questions...Is this a reasonable price? And, is this something that I could myself? If so, can you give me instructions for removal of the dashboard. Thank you very much for you time!

ANSWER: tell me what the prob is because all issues are different until told by the one having the prob =)I live in the Atlanta area I would be glad to look at it for u.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I'm confused. I did tell you the problem. The from AC/Heater doesn't work. The back does. I replaced the blower motor resistor and it did not work. What would be the next course of action? Is it the blower motor? I don't live in Atlanta. Thanks.

so u want the info on removing the blower motor  here ya go. Sorry  I get cross posts all the time. I don't think u want to mess with this  yeah U need to remove the whole dash and hvac housing in order to split the housing and take the blower out. If they are correct  I would assume that they at least tested for power and ground at the motor but i cant say. I would do this sorta thing on the side  if u were close to me.