Chrysler Repair: Cold Air ONLY on Passenger Side - 97 Gr Caravan, center vents, correct button

My 97 Gr Caravan EX (3.8L) has dual zone contols. Heat on driver side works
fine. 2 center vents above center stereo console also fine. 2 psgr side

Ran calibration/diagnostic test from AllData. At the end, only thing flashing is
Rear Wiper LED, which is good. Ran cool down test too. All good I think.
During 1st test, as test cycled thru, the psgr side did blow HOT air. When
done, cold only (!). Repeated test, same outcome. Guessing psgr side will
work if I can get it calibrated right but am stumped as to how. Does this
sound right?
Looks like there are additional tests doable with vent panel buttons but not
QUITE sure I know what the heck to do...Tried the Fail Codes/Level Diplay but
not sure if I can use and fix problem w/ button pushing.

So, basic question...Am I close to being able fix/calibrate blend doors by
correct button push combination...Or does it look like a physical repair's

THANKS for your help!

Iguess the next thing to do is look at the actuators.See if they are binding up or something.They are pretty easy to get to.On the left side of the box.If you have aldata it will show you where they are.The fact that it blows hot during the test is puzzling.Its one of those things I would have to see.Sorry I can't be more help.