Chrysler Repair: 94 LeBaron: Warning chime function flakey, pink wire, sensor wires

The alarm system seems to have stopped working.  The alerts don't work for lights left on or key in door ect. Now there is a single beep when I turn on the key the first time each day. In the same day after the initial start beep.  ? Help

Hi Angella,
I think what you are asking about is a warning chime function that alerts you to various problems. The speaker and the circuitry for this function is all located in the body computer which is located just in front of the passenger's door opening, on the area below the dash called the cowl. The fact that it does make a chime sound once means that the chime speaker is working. There are many different sensor wires that feed into the computer, and the computer uses those inputs to decide whether to make a sound chime from the built-in speaker. About the only thing I can think of to check out is whether there is some water or corrosion on pin 8 of the black plug or the socket into which it fits. Pin 8 has a pink wire, and it provides power to the computer, so it would seem to me that if it were impaired that many other things would go wrong besides the chime. If the speaker got wet from water dripping down on it from the windshield over its "head" that too could cause it to be unreliable. But aside from that, it would have to be an internal problem in the computer itself which is pretty expensive to buy unless you can find one from a wreck.
That is about the best I can offer.