Chrysler Repair: 93 Dodge Caravan Front End shimmy and pulls, cv joints, faulty tires

My 93 Caravan started to shimmy badly and pull to the left. Its at the point of being undrivable. Nerver heard "click" of CV joints but this may be the problem.

Hi Scott,
You can visually check the cv boots for signs of fatigue/tearing/loss of grease.
Pulling to one side could be caused by:
unequal tire pressure
faulty tires: try switching sides on the front; if still pulls to same side then not the tires but rather the wheel alignment. If pulls to the other side then check the tires.
Wheel brake dragging: compare rotational effort when lifted off the ground. Also listen for bearing roughness.
You can probably get an free inspection at a front end alignment shop that will give you some indication.